Today I had labs and an appointment with my oncologist about the PET scan and MRI from last week. Only the PET scan was ready for viewing. Now earlier while praying for courage for the IV part, I asked God to make the scans as clear as a reflection if something was wrong. I was thankful though, when Dr. Wanko told me the PET scan looked clean. MRIs will be read later & I see them again next week.
On our way out there was a young man playing "Jesus Loves Me" on a piano in the main lobby. I didn't think anything of it other than, "Hey I know that song!" Later on, when we got home, Mom asked if I had heard what he was playing. It's like God was saying, "See? I took care of something else for ya! I love you!" When I got home, I looked up the lyrics for the song and found a super cool line. It goes ...
Jesus loves me! Loves me still
When I'm very weak and ill
From His shining throne on high
Come to watch me where I lie
Is that not the coolest thing ever?!?!? I love little gifts like that from my Heavenly Father. He's so good to me!
My counts for blood work were all good. The dr. was very happy to see those. Still waiting for the hemoglobin to come up a little more before I have my surgery to remove my shunt.
So that's where we are this week. Mom is going home for a fun camping trip at Disney with Michelle's little family. They are all going to have so much fun!! Pray for their safety.
Yessssss Jesus loves youuuuu!!!! Talk with y'all later!
Just wanted to have a way to share the greatness of God through this trial and look back on how He was active in my life. Days begin to run together & I don't want to forget a single blessing!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
1,2,3 ... bee sting
Today I had the first of what I think are many scans to come. At 11 this morning, I went in for a PET scan. A PET scan was done to see my current condition with the brain cancer. I had never had one before so I was pretty nervous. Andrew brought home some paperwork that told me what I could and couldn't eat 12 hours before and then what I could and could not have 4 hours before starting. Last night's dinner was chicken and dumplins with greens, corn, and peach cobbler. Oh ... I've taken up drinking .... pot liquor. (For those of you freaking out, pot liquor is the juice from fixin' collard greens.)
In being paranoid about veins not popping up and such, I woke up this morning at 6:15 to eat something for breakfast and then sit and wait until it was time to go. Thank the Lord, I fell back to sleep for an hour after I finished eating breakfast. I didn't just stay awake and dread what was coming. I've done that before.
So the time came to leave and go to the hospital. I took a couple Ativan to calm my nerves. I drank quite a bit of water and then grabbed a warm cloth to hold on my arm on the way.
I went back pretty quick. Normally I'd have Andrew or Mom go back with me for any needle pokes. This time I went by myself. I felt the Holy Spirit tell me earlier to just trust him and see what He could do. He'd helped me with IV's back when I was pregnant and didn't have anyone with me.
After the nurse finished the IV I said out loud, "Thank you Jesus!" The nurse turned around and looked at me and said, "My name is Evette." I went to say thank you to her but she had already walked out the door. When she returned, I mentioned to her that Jesus had made her and that's why I was thankful to have someone who knew what they were doing with a needle. No reply. Another seed planted, I guess. I feel like that seeds thrown fell on the path or rocks.
In the Bible there is a parable about a sower who was planting seeds and then Jesus explained the seeds' landing. The full story can be found in Matthew 13:1-23. It's a pretty neat word picture. If you've read this before, take another look at it. God's Word speaks fresh daily. Ask Him how your "farmin'" is going. OH, and don't forget to pray for the seeds you've planted! God is listening!
I'm gunna run and eat dinner. Andrew cooked tonight! Thank you Jesus for husbands who help in the kitchen. :)
In being paranoid about veins not popping up and such, I woke up this morning at 6:15 to eat something for breakfast and then sit and wait until it was time to go. Thank the Lord, I fell back to sleep for an hour after I finished eating breakfast. I didn't just stay awake and dread what was coming. I've done that before.
So the time came to leave and go to the hospital. I took a couple Ativan to calm my nerves. I drank quite a bit of water and then grabbed a warm cloth to hold on my arm on the way.
I went back pretty quick. Normally I'd have Andrew or Mom go back with me for any needle pokes. This time I went by myself. I felt the Holy Spirit tell me earlier to just trust him and see what He could do. He'd helped me with IV's back when I was pregnant and didn't have anyone with me.
After the nurse finished the IV I said out loud, "Thank you Jesus!" The nurse turned around and looked at me and said, "My name is Evette." I went to say thank you to her but she had already walked out the door. When she returned, I mentioned to her that Jesus had made her and that's why I was thankful to have someone who knew what they were doing with a needle. No reply. Another seed planted, I guess. I feel like that seeds thrown fell on the path or rocks.
In the Bible there is a parable about a sower who was planting seeds and then Jesus explained the seeds' landing. The full story can be found in Matthew 13:1-23. It's a pretty neat word picture. If you've read this before, take another look at it. God's Word speaks fresh daily. Ask Him how your "farmin'" is going. OH, and don't forget to pray for the seeds you've planted! God is listening!
I'm gunna run and eat dinner. Andrew cooked tonight! Thank you Jesus for husbands who help in the kitchen. :)
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