Yesterday, I was supposed to have a MRI. I had been praying all week and asking God to heal the cold I've had for 2 weeks. I didn't know how I'd make it through it without coughing and sneezing lots. Andrew was supposed to pick me up an hour before and his bus home was late. An hour late. With such a big delay, we called the nurse at the MRI office and asked her if she still wanted us to come in knowing we would be so late. She had us reschedule for next month. Now yesterday was quite eventful for me and Jonathan, at home.
For lunch, I planned on making pizzas from the freezer. I turned the oven on and after it was preheated, I put the pizzas in. About 5 minutes into cooking, the smoke detectors in the apartment started blaring. Jonathan came running from the living room, crying and just stood looking up at me with his arms up. I think he was scared and the alarm hurt his ears. I went around the kitchen opening as many windows as I could. After the alarm had been going for quite a while I tried to think of what else I needed to do to stop it before someone called the fire dept. thinking we weren't home. I went to the office and opened that big window and then came back in the living room to try to think and not panic. Jonathan was on my hip the whole time crying. I said out loud, "Jesus, help me!!" Next I remembered I had one more area I could open and headed straight for the door of the apartment. I opened the door and a minute later a big gust of wind came through and went in the house. Soon after, the alarms shut off! Jesus heard my prayers and sent me wind to quiet not just smoke detectors, but my crying toddler too!
I just had to share how God helped us out yesterday. He watches out for ALL of our needs. He hears every cry for help. His arm is not too short to bring assistance.
I pray you experience God's help in your life, when you need it. He is ever-present.