Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ok guys, this will be a lengthy post because it's taken me a while to get to a computer. Hopefully I don't ramble too much. There's just much I have to share about what God's done and is doing. He's so good guys! I love my Jesus!!!

So here we go. I'm going to start with a complaint list & blessing list. Nothing is in any specific order. Just rambling I guess.

Okay ... the complaint list ... please don't think I complain like this all the time. I'm learning to thank the Lord as soon a complaint starts to arise. I'm sure He just shakes his head and thinks alright Lindsey change that stinkin' thinkin' right now!

Complainer ...
- IV's - I've had 23 since Dec 24 and I've discovered that it's not rude to ask for someone who knows what they're doing. I know that I'm a fainter and need to lay down and I feel every stinkin' think like blood coming out, needles going in, stuff like that. I need them to walk me through it. Right down to ok we're all done.
- Decadron - ok this is a steroid that I've been on since WA, so that's 3 weeks? I've had just about every side effect, some including insomnia, increased appetite, bloating, an ugly rash, levitating feeling while I'm laying down, mind racing when I do lay down (God must think I'm a ADHD or schizophrenic prayer). Andrew said I've been talking a lot more. He's probably told me to shut up in his head so many times. lol I think the insomnia is the worst. I've never dealt with that before. I think the devil was playing a part in that because he knows I needed it.
- Daddy says I complain about complaining. I guess I should stop. Now to the blessings!!!! Yay God!!

Blessing time!!!!
- Fisher House - wow! I don't even know where to start. This place is like a Ronald McDonald house military style. They have been so good to us and it's been nice to know things are taken care of. Mom and Dad were able to stay with the baby for no charge. God gave them lots of blessings with meeting other people going through the similar trial.

- Toilets - ok I'm hoping this isn't too much information. I'll try to keep it rated for kids. So, I thank the Lord for the toilet every time I use it. I'm so glad I'm not having to squat over a hole somewhere. Man, that'd be hard to balance! Anyway, I'm not a camping kinda girl. I like my electricity and running water, hence a toilet. I'm thankful for quiet flushing toilets too. I'm so sensitive to light and sounds right now it's weird. But normal for now I guess. So yay for toilets and the ability to use them.

- Medical staff at each of the hospitals I've been in. We have been super blessed with the nurses and doctors. I've only been discouraged with nightly interruptions, housekeeping, and nurses who have trouble with IV's. There I go complaining again. BUT, the Lord has grown me with giving me boldness to pray with some of those nurses and doctors. It's been a blessing to just pray with people.

- Silly one ... strawberry frosted donuts. I've been eating like I'm pregnant again .. cravings wise. Chocolate milk, strawberry frosted donuts. No applesauce cravings though. No Jonathan inside either too.

- Internet on my cell phone. I'm so thankful for the times I've been able to check my facebook account & text with some friends. I some people think facebook is of the devil or a terrible distraction, or that the internet is evil because it takes away from the family ... I'm just thankful for it. I look at it as a blessing. It can become something that takes away from important things, but everyone must learn self control. God can help with that.

- Food!! So the hospital would take an hour to get your food to you, so it was a patience test every time food was wanted. It was so nice to have Mom's pork chop dinner the other night. I know poor Andrew doesn't like pork chops, but he's a trooper and ate them anyway. :) He's a good man! I love food and this steroid makes me want to eat more of it, which is hard because I'm used to when I'm feeling full, just stop eating. Well, the other night, I asked God to help me stop eating so I wouldn't be super full and uncomfortable in bed. Guess what?! He did! About 5 min. after I asked for help, I believe either he or an angel came and knocked the mac n cheese right off my fork ... twice! Daddy was laughing at me probably thinkin' man these drugs make her think all crazy sorts of things. So ask the Lord to help you stop eating when you need to. It works! He'll knock the food right off your fork!

- Medication - I'm talking everything from decadron to sodium pills. I'm so thankful God has gifted people who know how to make medication that helps alleviate pain and other things like that. Not so grateful for the side effects, but that just lets you know they are working.

- IV's - ok I hate needles, but I'm so grateful for the quick relief an IV can bring when you're in pain, or when you have an MRI and need something to sedate you. IV's are a blessing! Even if they hurt going in. They are a great thing!

- Music - I love music and God has been using it to encourage me a lot. This might sound silly, but I'm going to write each artist that has had a song that encourages me and thank them. I don't care if it's silly. I'm doing it because God told me to!

- Texting - sometimes it gets annoying to hear my phone buzz all day, but I really am thankful for the many encouraging messages from family and friends. I'm operating on prayers of others and the texts are uplifting.

- Nike - ok, so I know it's secular but they're slogan "Just Do It" is really helping me through some things. My cousins from NC bought me my 1st Nike Just Do It shirt. I plan on wearing it to some chemo treatments. I'm gunna write Nike too. Letting them know how they are helping someone with cancer make it through challenges. Maybe that will bless them.

- Spinal tap while I was under the knife - okay so you know I hate needles and I've watched one too many Grey's Anatomy episodes and saw one that had a dude getting a spinal tap. Anyway, I was dreading ever having one. I've had an epidural with Jonathan, but with back labor, I didn't feel a thing. So anyway, they told me they did a lumbar puncture while I was under during one of my surgeries and I could've cried. I was so thankful that I didn't have to feel it! The doctor said oh it's just mild discomfort. But we all know when a doctor says mild discomfort, that means this is going to hurt ... at least a little bit. If a doctor tells you something's going to hurt, get ready. I think that means pain is coming. If you're a doctor I hope I didn't offend you but making you sound like a liar. I don't mean to! I'm so thankful for doctors.

- MRI's & CT scans - MRI's are something I'm a little less thankful for those because they take quite a long time but I know they are necessary for best imaging for things. CT scans aren't too bad. The part that gets me is the transportation of the beds and moving from one bed to the other. With a head injury, moving your head is hard and sometimes painful. I'm always glad to be done with them. Transportation of beds depend on the driver. Some nurses like to take you on a Nascar experience and go entirely too fast. I have no problem telling them to slow down, or close my eyes. I called one guy Richard Petty. MRI's take a really long time too. If I have something to sedate me, cover my eyes, and ear plugs ... it's bearable. My father-in-law has told me that I can have some music to listen to, but everytime I ask for it, the nurses look at me like I have 3 heads.

- My parents - OH MY GOODNESS. I'm so thankful for the parents Jesus gave to me. They are such an example of how to love and be like Jesus. I pray that I will be half the parents they are and have been to me. So after making a late dinner last night, Mom gave me my 1st shower since being home and then took another hour and half to take my toe nail polish off, put lotion on my back and shoulders, and just be a good Momma. I know she was tired. She had to be with watching Jonathan and doing everything she has been. I love her so very much. Please pray a special blessing over my parents. God did a miracle in providing plane tickets for them on a super late notice for them to be with me in WA and here in DC. I didn't realize how much I missed my Momma and Daddy until I saw them. I'll never be ready for them to leave, but I know they have lives to get back to as well. I'm so thankful for my parents and pray the Lord will bless them beyond belief for everything they've done for me and my family during my mountain climb.

- A buzzed hair cut - never thought I'd be thankful for this, but I am. Andrew was afraid of me cutting it too soon and regretting it, but as soon as I heard chemo, I thought, do it now. It's going to be so hard seeing big clumps come out in the shower or sink rather than little bits. So the surgeon who shaved it 1st must have been a man. (Sorry guys, not trying to cut down men again). Andrew took a picture of what I looked like before we did the cut. I'll post that later. Anyway, they were going to leave me half shaved and half long hair. A woman would not do that! So I told the nurse even me out please. If I have chemo, it will most likely fall out anyway. He just laughed and said ok, here we go. I now understand why a little boy might be terrified of getting his hair buzzed. That sucker can be loud and can sound like it will cut your ears off. There were a couple of times where I found myself pulling away so he wouldn't get my ears. I know, it's dumb.

- Joshua, Michelle & Benjamin - these are my brothers and sisters. Man do I love them bunches. They bought me 1st wig!!! I wish they would've videotaped the process of picking it out. I'm sure it was hilarious to watch those guys. My brothers bring so much joy and laughter into my life. I got some pictures of them with it on. I'll be sure to post them later. Joshua looks like Jesus. Benjamin just looks silly. He has a hard time taking serious pictures sometimes. Handsome dudes though. Even with girly hair. Michelle looked great in it. I'm glad she put it on for me to see so I could get a glimpse of what I might look like. I should probably go off of Benjamin though.

- Deep breathing exerciser - there's this thing where you suck in a plastic ball in a container, hold it there for a few seconds and then release your breath. It sounds simple, but it really helps. It was really hard at first, but like I said, the thing works. There are 3 plastic balls inside, but I only have to lift one at a time, thank you Jesus. Andrew can lift all 3! He has some more air. Anyway, I have to do 15 inhalations each hour, except for in the middle of the night. It makes me light headed and I need help keeping track of what number I'm on, but it really does help. It makes me tired too, so I do it before bed time. It takes a little while too though because I have to close my eyes and breathe in between. Weird feeling, but it works!

- The ability to cough - sounds silly, but it has made breathing easier too. It hurt at first, but the relief that follows is so worth it. I'll be glad when I don't have it anymore.

- Uninterrupted sleep at the Fisher house - wow am I thankful for this one. Housekeeping at 4 in the morning was very annoying and I think I failed that patience test every single time. I hated hearing the knocking on my door. I wanted to tell everyone, just go away, I'm trying to rest here! Sleep is a blessing and I thank the Lord every time I wake from it.

- Friends in the DC area - Matt and Erin Martin have been huge blessings. I know they're not the only ones and I'm sorry I'm not thanking all those in the WA area too. Matt and Erin have been a big blessing in being available to help with whatever, providing lodging for whoever needs it, purchasing maps, suggesting things to do and not to do, and just being here. They are such sweet friends to our family. Pray a blessing over them too! I know the Lord has seen their sacrifices and will bless each one.

- Andrew's parents - another HUGE one. God's timing is perfect and I'm so glad they are in the location they are. God has made me more comfortable with Andrew's family each time I've been with them. Mom and Dad were a big help with watching Jonathan and just being around to help too. Dad started a new job and Mom broke her foot while we were there and I know it was an extra challenge. Pray the Lord blesses them in an extra special way too. I'm sure they're glad to have they're home back to themselves and getting back to a normal routine. I love you guys!

- Army - HooaH!!! We used to wonder, God why are you keeping us in so long, we're ready to be out of this and start a new chapter already. Now we know why. He wanted to provide in another way! They Army has been great in working with housing, financially providing help, paperwork, and I'm sure lots more I don't even know about. The people Andrew works with have been wonderful as well. So compassionate and caring about it all. We still have a ways to go with getting re-stationed and learning what Andrew will be doing for work, but God's going to take care of it all. He has until this point!

- Fluid restriction lifted - coming from AZ where you really need to drink a lot to function, I'm used to drinking lots of water. Well, one day, in the hospital, a nurse or doctor said you're only allowed to drink a liter to a liter and a half in 24f hours. Oh my goodness was that hard to hear. Not as bad as spinal tap, but pretty dang hard. I love to drink and to hear that you can only have so much is pretty challenging. But I appreciate every sip of anything I drink now. Blessing!!

- Jonathan - wow do I love my baby in a whole new way now. Not because I'm climbing the mountain of cancer, but I just do. With chemo and radiation treatments, a side effect can cause fertility issues later. I serve a BIG God and know he can do miracles, but it's hard to hear you might have a really hard time every getting pregnant and carrying full term again. I'm not done having my babies yet. God's told me to fill my quiver with arrows. :) There's a verse in the Bible that talks about the blessing of children like a quiver full of arrows. God has given me and Andrew and strong desire and joy about adopting internationally, and now I think I know why. I still want to adopt, but I still want to carry at least one more time too. Anyway, the first night Jonathan saw me with my buzz cut, be didn't know what to do. He kind of avoided me. He eventually came to me, but it was really hard having your baby practically not jump to see Mommy. He did much better when I came home to the Fisher house and will love on me now! I love how he's been taking a few steps for me to see here too. Andrew was showing me videos of him walking and I got jealous that he was able to see a big first in person. It's all good though. I have him to love on now!!

- Extended family - Aunt Sharon & Uncle Jerry, thank you for being who you are! I love y'all so much and I'm glad we're closer so we can see each other a little more. I'm thankful for the many years you guys lived down the street so we have the relationship we do now. You both are big examples of Jesus too! Aunt Sharon has had a big part in my passion for international mission work. I remember many Sunday mornings at church singing "I'm a missionary's helper praying every day!!!!" Aunt Sharon, thank you for that Jesus Calling book. It is just like having Jesus sitting right there talking with you. Thank you so much for coming and seeing me too. Means a lot and I'll never forget it. I pray for y'all often and love you both so very much!!

- TMCC - I miss my home church family. I'm so glad God led us to Thunder Mountain Community Church. I was able to enjoy the blessing of working on staff as the Children's Ministry Director for a bit and what a ride. Ups and downs, but all great learning experiences. The staff there is wonderful and Randy had/has his work cut out with working with a bunch of us 20-30 somethings. He has so much patience and I've learned so much from him. I love you Randy Youngblood. I'm glad our goodbye is only temporary. I'm going to hug you big when I see you next. Maybe we'll be on stage together praising Jesus for the healing he brought and what he's doing still.

- Children's ministry of TMCC - I think I'm going to miss the kids the most. I was able to learn so much as a small group leader of kids. All ages teach so much if you just take the time to listen and learn. Working with kids can be challenging, but the rewards are so very great! If you're not serving in a church body, you need to be. The Bible says do it and that means obey! I will do my best to always serve children and families in some way. Even if it is my family alone. They will be my first ministry forever.

- Cars - walking has become tiring. Kind of annoying, but it's okay. That's why I'm thankful for cars. Our rental is a van and has soft seats and is easy to get into. Like I said, walking is exhausting right now. I know I'll enjoy it later, but for now, cars are a great thing!

- Fellow believers - it was such an encouragement to hear someone respond in agreement whenever I would talk about Jesus. There's just something about talking with someone about God and gushing over how good He is. God dropped many nurses, doctors and just random patients in to encourage me with bits of Jesus. All great things because God is so good!

- The Bible - what would I do without the Word of God. I don't know. The devil would get at me a lot easier. I've been asking the Lord for a supernatural ability to retain what I need to remember and the ability to memorize scripture and where it's found. I want to be prepared to give an answer for the hope I have at any time.

- Beds - I've been in one a lot lately, but it feels so nice to lay down sometimes and just go to sleep. I feel like a diva sometimes with having a pillow for my head, one for my back, one between my knees and so forth, but I'm so thankful for soft beds. Oh and cotton sheets too. I've been going hot and cold temperature wise and it's quite annoying to have to take stuff off and on. There could be much more worse things. Hush your mouth Lindsey Renee!

- My Andrew - what a man God has given me in my husband. I'm realizing more and more each day how he was made for me. I'm so thankful for a man who is compassionate, caring, patient, and has a sense of humor. He has his quirks, but who doesn't? He wouldn't be Andrew without them. I love him so much. I can't tell him enough. Lift up our marriage during this mountain climb. The devil is going to try to attack every angle. I know it.

- Chemotherapy & radiation - I know these two things are most likely going to make this climb difficult, but it's just one more thing for Jesus to help me with. Without these two things, I don't think the end result would be good. Death would probably be nice because I'd get to see Jesus, but that doesn't mean I want it. I wouldn't be able to tell my story to others.

- Bethany Birkhead - I wish everyone could meet this woman in person. She's an amazing woman of God who has challenged my walk in so many ways. I have learned so much from her. She will be taking on the spot of the Children's Ministry Director at Thunder Mountain Community Church and she's perfect. God has made her for this and I can't wait to see and hear how things go in the future. She loves children and loves to see families grow together in Jesus. That's a huge part of what she'll be doing. Pray for her and she steps into this leadership position. It's a lot, but totally possible with God. ALL things are possible with God!

- TMCC staff - I think I raved a little about them, but it'll never be enough. I'm not going to name names because I'll miss someone and feel really bad. I'm so thankful for you guys. You're a part of the family that I will forever miss. Each one of you have been used in a special way in my life to encourage and grow me and I'm so thankful for you. I pray the Lord continues to grow you guys individually and as a staff. He will, so get ready!

- The eye doctors - so if you would've asked me this earlier today, I probably wouldn't have it on this list, or it wouldn't have come quickly, but I am thankful again for people who specialize in certain fields of medicine. Having lights shining in your eyes with sensitivity is not fun, but necessary. I have lots of memories of the eye doctor from a little girl since I wore glasses since I was 2. Most of them were ouchie eye drops, patches for a lazy eye and dark rooms, but I'm thankful for these guys and gals. I did tell them they need to change a couple of their tests with the blinking light. To make a light that you have to watch for to blink that is very similar to the one you focus on is just annoying. Ok, Linz stop complaining. Blessings remember!!

- DC area - thank you Jesus for the surgeons that you have placed here and the facilities all around. I'm looking forward to exploring a new place with so much history. I think right now I'm really looking forward to the cherry blossom festival. I love flowers and they are so pretty. Little things in life right.

- Daddy's financial wisdom - at dinner tonight, Dad suggested we sell my car since I can't drive for a while. With my eyes all funky I'm not willing to put Jonathan in any kind of danger as far as that goes. We're going to look into it. Will save us some money with only one car payment too. Daddy is so wise!

- This mountain called brain cancer - this is a big mountain to climb, but I serve a God of the mountain and valley. I'm glad I have him to climb it with. He's taught me lots already and I know I'll learn lots more in years to come.

Alright guys, thanks for hanging in there. That was entirely too long and the ones following shouldn't be so lengthy. Just lots to report. I'll keep you updated on chemo/radiation treatments and all that the best I can. This is the best way to get any updates on anything with this mountain. I'm a terrible phone person, so please don't be offended if it takes me a long time to call you back. I don't know why, but I like to type and email better than talk on the phone. My dad said you need to get over that. It's not personal. People like to hear from you. Know that I am working on it. Now it's your turn for a patience test. Maybe you'll do better than me.

I'm going to bed. I'm pretty dang tired and I have a few appointments tomorrow. Gotta get ready to run around. It's good for me right?

I just want to try on my wig! Pray the devil will leave me the heck alone. He stinks. But I have JESUS on my side and in His name Satan can't touch me. Ha. If I had a baseball bat, I would have done my best to beat the crap out of that guy.

Until next time ... keep growing in Jesus. Open yourself up and He will fill you. He is faithful and is the provider of all things!!!

Love y'all so much! Thank you for everything! Keep praying and growing in the Lord. I'm praying for you. Many of you by name. :)


  1. Love this Linz! I read every word! You are such an encourager :) Reading this made me feel so energized, you're so positive, I am so blessed to know you. Love you:) I will keep praying for healing!

  2. You are a true inspiration Lindsey and it was a blessing to have our children look up to you.. They pray for you every night at the dinner table and we know this mountain is big but GOD is bigger! I just pray that if a mountain this large ever crosses our family we can be half as strong as you are.. We will continue to pray for you... <3 the Burns Family

  3. Oh Lindsey, i miss you! It's so fun reading this, it helps me mak a list of the many things that I need to be praising God for. We pray for you all the time! Love you��

  4. You are doing a wonderful job! You're encouraging me to be thankful in all situations and for all things! Thank you for being used by God! I love and miss you very much :)
