I have to share with you all my latest answered prayers. I think I put in the last post how I had a surgery coming up on April 16. That has been postponed until April 27. Here are some answered prayers within that new date ...
1. I can enjoy my brother-in-law & his family & my sister-in-law coming in this weekend.
2. I am able to meet with the chief oncologist at NIH before the surgery & I should be able to have LOTS more answers on chemo plan & all that.
3. We were told that the shunt will be changed to the one that has the magnetic dial & later removed. I wanted this shunt! So yay God!
4. They can take cerebral fluid from my brain & not need to do the spinal tap!
There was something else, but I can't remember it right now. Anyway, all procedures I was asking you to pray for can be done while I'm under!! Praise the Lord! That helps my anxiety level going into this surgery SO much!
This morning, when I was doing my quiet time, I was reading through the passage that tells of when Jesus brought a girl who was dead, back to life. She was only sleeping. I'm doing a 90 days with Jesus study from Beth Moore and learning a lot. So today was about desperation for Jesus. She asked the question if I knew someone who was or was myself desperate for Jesus. UH YEAH! I can't fight this battle, climb this mountain, or anything else without Him. I'm learning that in a whole new way. I just loved her ending statement talking about Jesus ...
"He is there for the desperate. He specializes in the hopeless. Every time you think of those who are suffering, think of Jesus, who knows the path through dire need."
Pretty cool huh? Now, I don't look at my battle right now as suffering. In a month ... I might. Each day is different. But I DO know & have seen with my own eyes that Jesus knows the path through dire need. I've called out to Him several times, asking Him for help to swallow pills, keep them down, help me gain weight, help me through radiation treatments, help me through labwork, help me through the port procedure, & even help me drink an ensure drink when it tastes over the top sweet.
I just wanted to share how God was working with me lately. He is & I know He will continue. Through your prayers, power has been released. So don't stop! I haven't & won't.
Be blessed!!
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