Surgery went well on Friday. I told Mom and Andrew I was asking God to help me get out of there by Saturday sometime. Well, we left the hospital Saturday evening. All God. Something that's never happened with surgery before is now different parts of my face are swollen. The surgeon said it's pretty normal and should go down with time. The swelling happened because of the way he had me laying on the table?! So right now, I look like Quasi Modo (totally not joking), which might turn into a black eye later and the right side of my face looks like someone punched me. Well my whole face looks like that right now. I can see out of my left eye just fine, but by looking at it you'd probably think I couldn't. It's almost closed.
Another challenge is I'm having a hard time eating. Not because my throat is scratchy or hurts, because it does, from the breathing tube. I'm feeling nausea all the time and can only take zofran 3 times a day. So annoying because I'm losing weight again. :( I guess I'll have to start drinking ensure again! Ugh!!
Something else that I'm not sure if Mom has posted on FB, but I now have to have growth factor shots twice a day, in my belly. The poke isn't bad, it's the medicine going in. It stings. I just hold Andrew's hand and breathe through it. Oh, and Mom has to give it to me. I feel so bad for her. Most of you might know how much I hate needles. I'm much better than before, when I was a little girl. I wouldn't have an anxiety attack, but I'd be pretty close. I have passed out just hearing people talk about them. Mom used to be a nurse back in the day, so I wanted her doing it over Andrew. So yesterday in the hospital, I had my first GFS. I had a nurse do it. I've had shots in my belly before and the pole didn't really hurt at all, just the medicine going in. I asked the nurse to take it slow. She didn't know I meant quick poke, slow injection. Therefore I felt all of the needle going in AND the sting of the injection. Mom had her first one last night and was pretty nervous. Like ready to cry, nervous. They key to the poke not hurting too bad is to grab enough skin. Well, with my weight loss, I don't have much there. She grabbed some, poked and then realized she didn't have enough. She had to get more skin to pinch and did it again. So I just squeezed Andrew's hand and started breathing through the pain. It's not excruciating, but I was trying not to tense up. Then she was done. I told her how much I was proud of her, since I know doing this for me is incredibly hard and thanked her. She said "I can't say you're welcome yet." So please pray for my sweet Mom. This is so hard for her.
I have those shots twice a day. 8 and 8. Tomorrow will be the first one without Andrew's hand to hold and squeeze. I know I can do ALL things through Christ.
That's the update for now. Surgery is complete ... finally :) and this coming week is full of appointments.
I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. I know I'm super grateful for my Momma. Oh how I love her.
Just don't look in the mirror. Try squeezing a stuffed animal when you have your helping-you-get-better shots. So glad your mom could be there with you and help you in that way! Praying for you in India. LS