Sunday, August 18, 2013


Sometimes I can't believe it and sometimes I feel relief when I look at the calendar and see that I'm at my marker of being cancer free for a whole year!!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!!

Last year, on August 18 I walked out of the hospital at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center having completed my 4th and final round of chemotherapy. I remember ringing the bell on my way out and dancing with my precious Momma to "Hit The Road Jack." I can't help but smile and even laugh at the song now. My mom and I were all decked out in green and purple foil streamer wigs and looking pretty crazy; me with my bald head and Momma probably crying tears of joy, JoY, JOY! Andrew and Jonathan were trailing behind carrying all of the stuff from my last stay. I should've made Andrew take all the stuff to the car, come back up, and then dance all the way to the car with us. I think Jonathan was too little to be out of the stroller without causing trouble. :) I can guarantee you though, Jonathan would be dancing now! He certainly knows how to and we dance together often during the day!

Something I started earlier this month when I was thinking about my year out marker coming up, was to go back and read through my blog posts from the very beginning. Well, it didn't take long for me to be in tears. I had only read 2 posts and I felt like a fountain. As I was reading I remember just sitting back a couple of times amazed that I even went through what I did. Then almost immediately after those kind of thoughts I was overwhelmed with how great God was and is to me. OH MY WORD! Since I was a little girl, I was taught Jesus will never leave me. I have without a shadow of doubt experienced that through my cancer mountain climb. There were times that I felt God was far off or wasn't hearing my cries for help, but I knew deep down in my soul the many promises from the Bible that talk about God's presence.

My biggest take away from my journey with cancer has been in my relationship with Jesus Christ. I knew (pointing to my head) a lot of things about Jesus and how He loves me, but now I KNOW (pointing to my heart) the love and faithfulness of my Savior in a whole new way. I have a hunger like never before for God's Word and letting my light shine so that others see Jesus in me. I am able to find blessings in struggles, learn so much more about the character of God, and by the power of the blood of Jesus fight back Satan, his demons and his lies with an intensity that is fresh each day.

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
Let the earth hear his voice
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
Let the people rejoice
Oh come to the Father
Through Jesus the Son,
And give Him the glory
Great things He has done!!!!!!!

I'd like to extend one last thank you to EVERYONE who encouraged me with cards, texts, emails, gifts, and so much more. The love that was showered out by you, the body of Christ, was pleasantly overwhelming and I am forever grateful to each and every one of you.

Yes, I am thankful for all the above things, but most of all, I am grateful for the who knows how many number of prayers that were offered before the throne of our King on my behalf. Prayer works!!! I'm here to tell ya!

It is with great love and appreciation that I end this blog. I'm walking on with faith and an excitement to see what the Lord has next for me.

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