Saturday, March 17, 2012

Oncologist Appointment

I'm going to let y'all in on my mom's account of our overwhelming appointment with the oncologist. I don't remember hardly any of it.

On Wednesday, we had a very stressful appointment with our oncologist. It seems as though the course of action has changed. I have never been hit so hard as I was yesterday. Even with the whole onset of this trial from the beginning, yesterday was most difficult. I've worked so hard to stay on top of things with appts. treatments, changes, re-scheduling to have things with no conflicts, staying read up on information given to me from the Dr's. researching on the internet,etc... and then they switched gears on us! As if it was a completely different language. I can't even go in to all of it because it was just that overwhelming. I had to leave the office for a minute to get myself together from crying so hard. I hated crying in front of Lindsey, but the treatments and side effects the Dr. was telling us was so painful to listen to. This would be the first case of this type tumor as an adult using this treatment of Chemo. So....that means they have nothing to go on! They want to hospitalize her for 4 months with treatments every 21 days. Giving her a slam dose that even 30% of people don't make it through the treatment because of the toxicity! Throwing up as soon as 10-12 hours after the first dose given. The port that they have already put in would have to be removed, because they wouldn't be able to use it for this treatment. As I said earlier, I won't even go in to all the details of the side effects. Needless to say, Lindsey was petrified as was this Momma! Somewhere along the line they have changed Chemo - Oncologist Dr's. on us. As of tomorrow - Friday - she will have only 12 more radiation treatments. Then we have to wait and have MRI on spine, brain and belly. Upon results of the MRI's we go to see Dr. Fine which is the Dr. at NIH (National Institute of Health) that is over Lindsey's case. This whole plan above for the Chemo is NOT what Dr. Fine recommended. And we are not going to proceed with the above plans. We have an appointment with Dr. Fine after all the radiation is completed and repeat MRI's have been made and viewed to find out where the switch in Dr.s came in to place and how things have gotten changed. Please pray for us to have CLEAR direction from the Greatest Physician of all - The Lord Jesus.

So that's all for now. Still taking one day at a time. Swallowing food is becoming a little more difficult each day. Not because of pain, but because anything in my mouth other than liquid makes me want to get sick. Taking my vitamins at each meal is very challenging. But ... God has helped me through each meal, whatever it may be and however long it may take, I'm glad I don't have a feeding tube! God is so good and helps me every time! I do pray between every single pill, "Lord help me" just like Peter, in the Bible.

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