Saturday, March 16, 2013

Looking Up

Last week, I had a routine appointment with my oncologist to go over my MRI results. He said overall things look clear and good. Two scans ago, a spot showed up in another part of my brain. Not in the same area my previous tumor was. He said that it had not grown since this most recent scan, but he wanted to keep an eye on it. He wasn't concerned about it, yet.

Other news he gave me was about my future scans. Right now, each MRI is every 2 months. He would like me to continue with that schedule until my year anniversary of stopping chemo, which is in August. Now, instead of having a 2 hour scan, it should be cut down. He doesn't think it's necessary to scan the spine any longer, so he just wants to have the brain scanned & evaluated. Yay!!! Yay God!! What a blessing!

I also had quite a bit of blood work done last week, as well. My gynecologist sent off blood work to see if I can have anymore children. The first blood test came back with some pretty elevated numbers for my ovaries. "Normal" numbers are around 12 & under. Mine were 38. An infertility specialist was consulted & more blood was sent off for a specialized test. The other blood work was sort of routine for my oncologist to check my levels.

So this is the latest on all that is going on. Right now, I'm taking care of 2 guys at home. Andrew is still recovering from his foot surgery. He will return to work in early April. We're praying this surgery did the trick for his overall pain in his feet. He had the left one done this time & the right one will probably be done later on this year. I've lost count of how many foot surgeries Andrew has had. I think it's something like 7. Needless to say, he's been through quite a lot. And of course, I'm taking care of the little man, too. Right now, we're learning obedience & consequences of disobedience. My, my what a fun little game! I'm trying my best to be consistent. God has helped me. He's revealed a lot about himself during this time of discipline. I'm sure He doesn't like to hear me whine just like it drives me crazy with Jonathan.

Ways to pray:
- MRI spot to end up being scar tissue or something like that
- Blood tests from gynecologist
- Andrew's healing process