Monday, December 24, 2012

A Lesson From Jesus & Paul

Each morning, I try to have quiet time with a devotional and prayer. This time used to be before Jonathan woke up around 8:00. Now, the new rise and shine time is 6:30. Therefore, I stay in bed until I hear him. I'm not a fan of getting up at 5:30 unless I absolutely have to. So my quiet time for devotions and Bible reading has moved to breakfast with Jonathan.

Over the last year I've been doing my quiet times by going through books that Beth Moore wrote. Each has been a 90 study on a person from the Bible. I've done Jesus and David and right now I'm on Paul. I just love how God speaks to me precisely where I'm at in life. He offers encouragement, peace, instruction, and so much more!

This morning, the passage in Acts was about when Paul was being transferred Caesarea. In other words, from one place to another. Throughout the passage, you can read how there were prayers offered up on behalf of Paul while he was traveling and to be bold in Jesus in the next place in sharing God's love with others.

We should never underestimate the effects of our prayers for others. A dear friend of mine reminded me last year that each prayer releases the power of God. You guys have seen God's power this last year, right? I certainly have! I know that God can deliver anyone from anything at any time. He doesn't need any help. Yet He invites us to be part of His great work through prayer. If we don't intercede for one another, we miss opportunities to see His deliverance and thank Him for His faithfulness. (this was all so skillfully written by Beth Moore ... definitely not me!) God is faithful!

I just had to share what God showed me this morning. It was too good to keep to myself. I pray you are able to enjoy the blessing of a growing relationship with Jesus.

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas with family and friends. Have a great time celebrating the reason for the season ... Jesus!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

MRI results

Last Friday I had an MRI done. I always go in prepared to be in the machine for around 2 hours, wear my earplugs, take my Ativan, calm myself for the needle poke for the contrast, and also to freeze my tail off. I drank a ton of water that morning so my veins would be plump for the contrast injection. I'm always paranoid about it. Needless to say, I had to go to the bathroom quite a bit.

I arrived on time and pretty much went in. After I changed into my gown and was laying on the cold and hard table, I asked for a blanket. Guess what?! This time, they gave me one; and it was heated! Miracle #1. I know that may seem dumb, but the 1st MRI I had at this hospital, I remember shaking uncontrollably because I was so cold. By the time I was given the blanket, I realized I should have worn warmer socks. I made a mental note for the next MRI in 2 months. The imaging started and I was quickly reminded of how loud it is to get an MRI. I wanted to cry. Even though I had earplugs in, it still felt like I was hearing a jackhammer right next to me. About 20 minutes into the scan I opened my eyes for a split second and saw how enclosed I was. Big mistake! I had a mini panic attack. All I remember is wanting to squeeze the ball they give you to alert them if you're having a problem and telling them I'd have to do this on another day and then praying. I wanted to cry but didn't want my nose to stop up so I couldn't breathe. Finally, after what felt like hours, I was rolled out of the machine and then contrast put in. I told the tech. doing it that he only had one chance to get the needle in. If he couldn't, then get someone who is good with needles and small veins. Then I prayed again. He was good with needles and got it in on the first try. After finishing with that, I told him thank you and that he did a good job. I also let him know that I had been praying for him the whole time he was poking me. He laughed and said, "Me too!" Oh and he let me use the restroom. It was a much needed break not only because I drank a ton that morning, but also because I was out of the machine for 5 minutes. Another miracle.

We finished the MRI and then I cried. I was just so overwhelmed. Then it hit me. I had forgotten to take my Ativan that morning! No wonder I was freaking out inside the machine! I WON'T forget that next time, for sure. So, I'm glad the MRI for these 2 months is over and I don't have another one for another 2 months. I'm looking forward to the day when the dr starts spacing them out even more.

My results came out clear, praise the Lord. Another miracle! My oncologist was very happy with my current progress. He took me off a couple more meds and said that should help with my nausea.

This Friday, I have another important dr. visit with the gynecologist. I'll find out answers to questions like if I can get pregnant again and other girly stuff.

Here's how to pray:
- Gynecology appt. on Friday at 1:45 - pray that I remember all of the questions I'd like answered.
- My health - I have a bad cold. Please pray it doesn't turn into bronchitis.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Well, we've been home for a little over a week now and it's nice to be back. We (me, Andrew & Jonathan) had a wonderful time during our visit to AZ. We stayed with Philip & Angela & Jonathan tried learning how to share toys with Parker. We need a little more practice. He wasn't very nice about it. Another exciting event while in AZ, besides Thanksgiving was how I was able to be a part of one of my previous student's baptism. In his testimony video, Aidan shared how he wanted Miss Lindsey to baptize him, but knew that it would require me to fly all the way out there and that it most likely wouldn't happen. Well, we surprised him and we had the joy together to take that next step in his walk with Jesus. I love seeing kids grow in Jesus!! We were able to visit with lots of friends that feel like family. We also were able to say goodbye this time. It's been almost a year since I up & left & was diagnosed with brain cancer. I'm so thankful that my family was able to make the trip.

The Thursday after we returned I met with my speech therapist at home. She has told me, pretty much from the beginning, how she didn't think I needed her. She thought my memory was fine. Anyway, Thursday was my last visit with her at my house. She was going to refer me to an out patient clinic to continue working, but said I didn't need it. As long as I use my strategies, such as writing things down, making lists, etc. I was able to invite my speech therapist to church. So yay God! No more speech therapy & and invite too!

The next day, Friday, I had an MRI. It was very hard for me this time. I opened my eyes for a split second and saw how enclosed I was and had a mini panic attack. I just prayed my way through it. I don't know how many times I prayed "Jesus help me." Sometimes I cried it. I knew I could get through it, because God had brought me through them before. It was just a very challenging test this time. Since I have MRI's every 2 months now, I'll have to remember to take my Ativan so I'll be calm and hopefully fall asleep. I'm not sure how long the results take. This MRI will also reveal what the bump on my head is.

This past weekend we went to Walmart (a 30 minute drive for us) and Lowe's to buy our Christmas tree. We found our favorite frozen Chinese food & birthday supplies for Jonathan's upcoming special day & finally, we found our pretty tree.

On Sunday, there was a surprise at church. The Watoto Children's Choir from Africa was there! I love watching and hearing African children praise the Lord. They have so much passion! If you get a chance, go to & type in "Watoto Children's Choir Not Forgotten" you will be blessed for sure. I told Andrew that Heaven had to be like hearing those kids sing. It was too much fun!

Coming this week I have an appointment with my oncologist. I have no idea what this visit is for. Probably just to check in & go over the MRI results.

Ways to pray ...
- results of MRI to be clear
- my witness to Sabrina (speech therapist) & that she experienced Jesus when she was with me
- bump on my head to be nothing serious