Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ding, Ding, Ding!

In and through Jesus, I have now completed my fourth and final round of chemo! On the way out, I rang the bell to mark my race run being done. Now, it's the recovery journey. I've been told since it took 4 months to go through chemo, I need to at least give myself that much time to start feeling normal again. Maybe some traveling in the future? I ache to see family in FL and friends in AZ.

I went in for labs today and was feeling pretty crummy from the neupogen shots. I later found out it's because they in essence give you the flu-like soreness throughout your body for about 2 weeks to try to boost the white blood cells. Mom and I pray after each shot (nightly). I won't miss these things at all when we're done. Y'all know how I LOVE needles.  So one night I thanked God for the pain the medicine caused because that way I knew it was working. I told God it was hard for me to thank him for something that hurt, but I needed to. I am grateful dangit!

I knew I was feeling bad from those shots because it had happened the last 3 rounds of chemo. I was trying to brace myself for this next round of soreness. Yesterday was a pretty tough day and I was not looking forward to labs and being pushed on. God is good, though, and with my LMX (numbing cream) I didn't even feel the needle go in! I like when that happens.

Labs came back fine. They gave me hydration which helped because I was feeling very tired. Feeling a little better now.

Things to pray for:
-Neupogen shots to continue to work.
-My courage with those dang things. It's a daily thing I ask God for.
-Ferrio - the nurse I witnessed to. Pray that God would send someone to water the seed planted.
-Andrew - he's been having headaches a lot lately. I think it's from stress.
-I still struggle with fear of the unknown of recovery, You'd think I'd be fine, but the devil's lies sound pretty good.

So just as so many of you have said, "PRAISE THE LORD!" Jesus has held my hand through treatment and I know he'll hold my hand through recovery.


  1. You bless me so much Lindsey....what a great ministry you have!!! Praying for you sweet blessing!!
