Friday, January 4, 2013

Encouragement In A Time Of Need

As I was reading through Isaiah this morning God just spoke right to me, starting in verse 10. Here's what it said...

10 - See, the Sovereign Lord comes with power, and his arm rules for him. See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him.
11- He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gather the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.

Now I'm not sure exactly what this is all about, but what I came away with was that Jesus holds me close to his heart and he helps me raise Jonathan.

This week started my days at home and alone with Jonathan. Andrew leaves around 7:30 and returns home from work around 6:00 each night, during the week. Last week, before Andrew started back to work, I was pretty discouraged about being by myself and taking care of Jonathan. He was waking up at 5:15 and 5:30 and I was so tired by 10:00. I was almost in tears a couple hours after breakfast because I knew I had until right after lunch before it was time for a nap. On mornings that Jonathan wakes up between 5:15 and 5:30, I get up looking forward to nap time. That sounds terrible, but it's true.

So this morning, when I was doing my devotion, I was encouraged by the passage I read. I know God helps me with everything; but when I ready that he gently lead those that have young, it was like a bite of a rice crispy treat. (I really like those, by the way.) I set out for the day with confidence that Jesus was going to help me get through each minute, hour, and day with watching Jonathan. I love my little boy so very much and enjoy watching him  learn. He is such a blessing in my life.

Tomorrow's Saturday!! That means Andrew can get up with Jonathan in the morning and give me a little break.

Oh ... here's an update on my health stuff. Next week on Tuesday and Wednesday, I have appointments. For Tuesday, I'll be going to the dentist to have cavities filled. Not looking forward to the needle. On Wednesday, I will be having my port taken out. Please pray extra for this procedure. I will be awake. I remember having the port put in and I recall pain when they numbed me up. The doctor told me it would feel like a bee sting, but it felt like I had been put over a burner on a stove. I just laid there and cried. I couldn't squeeze the nurses hand or anything. BUT, Jesus brought me through it! He'll be with me and bring me through this, too.  So please pray for courage as I go in for that. I'll give an update after everything is over.

Have a great week in Jesus!

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